Workitem Attributes [1]

Attributes identify the information that you want to capture when users create and modify work items. Attributes are similar to fields in records. Work item types include all the built-in attributes that are listed in below Table. Note, however, that not every ready-to-use work item presentation is configured to display all of the built-in attributes in the Rational Team Concert™ Eclipse and web clients. You can customize the attributes that a work item type contains and the presentations that are used to display these attributes. For example, you can customize attributes to add behavior. Such behaviors can include validating an attribute value, or setting an attribute value that is based on other attribute values.

All the attributes of the rtcclient.workitem.Workitem can be accessed through dot notation and dictionary.

Built-in Attributes

Table1. Built-in Attributes

Name Type ID Description
Archived Boolean archived Specifies whether the work item is archived.
Comments Comments comments Comments about the work item.
Corrected Estimate Duration correctedEstimate Correction to the original time estimate (as specified by the Estimate attribute) to resolve the work item.
Created By Contributor creator User who created the work item.
Creation Date Timestamp created Date when the work item was created.
Description Large HTML description Detailed description of the work item. For example, the description for a defect might include a list of steps to follow to reproduce the defect. Any descriptions that are longer than 32 KB are truncated, and the entire description is added as an attachment.
Due Date Timestamp due Date by which the resolution of the work item is due.
Estimate Duration estimate Estimated amount of time that it takes to resolve the work item.
Filed Against Category filedAgainst Category that identifies the component or functional area that the work item belongs to. For example, your project might have GUI, Build, and Documentation categories. Each category is associated with a team area; that team is responsible for responding to the work item.
Found In Deliverable foundIn Release in which the issue described in the work item was identified.
Id Integer identifier Identification number that is associated with the work item.
Modified By Contributor modifiedBy User who last modified the work item.
Modified Date Timestamp modified Date when the work item was last modified.
Owned By Contributor ownedBy Owner of the work item.
Planned For Iteration plannedFor Iteration for which the work item is planned.
Priority Priority priority Ranked importance of a work item. For example, Low, Medium, or High.
Project Area ProjectArea projectArea Area in the repository where information about the project is stored.
Resolution Small String resolution How the work item was resolved.
Resolution Date Timestamp resolved Date when the work item was resolved.
Resolved By Contributor resolvedBy User who resolved the work item.

Table2. Built-in Attributes (cont’d)

Name Type ID Description
Restricted Access UUID contextId Scope of access to the work item.
Severity Severity severity Indication of the impact of the work item. For example, Minor, Normal, Major, or Critical.
Start Date Timestamp startDate Date when work began on the work item.
Status Small String state Status of the work item. For example, New, In Progress, or Resolved.
Subscribed By Subscriptions subscribers Users who are subscribed to the work item.
Summary Medium HTML title Brief headline that identifies the work item.
Tags Tag subject Tags that are used for organizing and querying on work items.
Time Spent Duration timeSpent Length of time that was spent to resolve the work item.
Type Type type Type of work item. Commonly available types are Defect, Task, and Story.
[1]Workitem Customization Overview