Source code for rtcclient.template

from rtcclient.base import RTCBase
import logging
import xmltodict
import os
import jinja2
import jinja2.meta
from rtcclient import exception
from rtcclient import _search_path
import six

[docs]class Templater(RTCBase): """A wrapped class used to generate and render templates from some copied workitems :param rtc_obj: a reference to the :class:`rtcclient.client.RTCClient` object :param searchpath: the folder to store your templates. If `None`, the default search path (/your/site-packages/rtcclient/templates) will be loaded automatically. """ log = logging.getLogger("template.Templater") def __init__(self, rtc_obj, searchpath=None): self.rtc_obj = rtc_obj RTCBase.__init__(self, self.rtc_obj.url) if searchpath is None: self.searchpath = _search_path else: self.searchpath = searchpath self.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=self.searchpath) self.environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.loader, trim_blocks=True) def __str__(self): return "Templater for %s" % self.rtc_obj def get_rtc_obj(self): return self.rtc_obj
[docs] def render(self, template, **kwargs): """Renders the template :param template: The template to render. The template is actually a file, which is usually generated by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` and can also be modified by user accordingly. :param kwargs: The `kwargs` dict is used to fill the template. These two parameter are mandatory: * description * title Some of below parameters (which may not be included in some customized workitem type ) are mandatory if `keep` (parameter in :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate`) is set to `False`; Optional for otherwise. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) Actually all these needed keywords/attributes/fields can be retrieved by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.listFields` :return: the :class:`string` object :rtype: string """ try: temp = self.environment.get_template(template) return temp.render(**kwargs) except AttributeError: err_msg = "Invalid value for 'template'" self.log.error(err_msg) raise exception.BadValue(err_msg)
[docs] def renderFromWorkitem(self, copied_from, keep=False, encoding="UTF-8", **kwargs): """Render the template directly from some to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` without saving to a file :param copied_from: the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id :param keep (default is False): If `True`, some of the below fields will remain unchangeable with the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem`. Otherwise for `False`. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) :param encoding (default is "UTF-8"): coding format :param kwargs: The `kwargs` dict is used to fill the template. These two parameter are mandatory: * description * title Some of below parameters (which may not be included in some customized workitem type ) are mandatory if `keep` is set to `False`; Optional for otherwise. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) Actually all these needed keywords/attributes/fields can be retrieved by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.listFieldsFromWorkitem` :return: the :class:`string` object :rtype: string """ temp = jinja2.Template(self.getTemplate(copied_from, template_name=None, template_folder=None, keep=keep, encoding=encoding)) return temp.render(**kwargs)
[docs] def listFields(self, template): """List all the attributes to be rendered from the template file :param template: The template to render. The template is actually a file, which is usually generated by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` and can also be modified by user accordingly. :return: a :class:`set` contains all the needed attributes :rtype: set """ try: temp_source = self.environment.loader.get_source(self.environment, template) return self.listFieldsFromSource(temp_source) except AttributeError: err_msg = "Invalid value for 'template'" self.log.error(err_msg) raise exception.BadValue(err_msg)
[docs] def listFieldsFromWorkitem(self, copied_from, keep=False): """List all the attributes to be rendered directly from some to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` :param copied_from: the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id :param keep: (default is False) If `True`, some of below parameters (which will not be included in some customized :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` type ) will remain unchangeable with the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem`. Otherwise for `False`. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) :return: a :class:`set` contains all the needed attributes :rtype: set """ temp_source = self.getTemplate(copied_from, template_name=None, template_folder=None, keep=keep) return self.listFieldsFromSource(temp_source)
[docs] def listFieldsFromSource(self, template_source): """List all the attributes to be rendered directly from template source :param template_source: the template source (usually represents the template content in string format) :return: a :class:`set` contains all the needed attributes :rtype: set """ ast = self.environment.parse(template_source) return jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
[docs] def getTemplate(self, copied_from, template_name=None, template_folder=None, keep=False, encoding="UTF-8"): """Get template from some to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` The resulting XML document is returned as a :class:`string`, but if `template_name` (a string value) is specified, it is written there instead. :param copied_from: the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id (integer or equivalent string) :param template_name: the template file name :param template_folder: the folder to store template file :param keep: (default is False) If `True`, some of below parameters (which may not be included in some customized :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` type ) will remain unchangeable with the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem`. Otherwise for `False`. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) :param encoding: (default is "UTF-8") coding format :return: * a :class:`string` object: if `template_name` is not specified * write the template to file `template_name`: if `template_name` is specified """ try: if isinstance(copied_from, bool) or isinstance(copied_from, float): raise ValueError() if isinstance(copied_from, six.string_types): copied_from = int(copied_from) if not isinstance(copied_from, int): raise ValueError() except ValueError: err_msg = "Please input a valid workitem id you want to copy from" self.log.error(err_msg) raise exception.BadValue(err_msg)"Fetch the template from <Workitem %s> with [keep]=%s", copied_from, keep) if template_folder is None: template_folder = self.searchpath # identify whether output to a file if template_name is not None: template_file_path = os.path.join(template_folder, template_name) output = open(template_file_path, "w") else: template_file_path = None output = None workitem_url = "/".join([self.url, "oslc/workitems/%s" % copied_from]) resp = self.get(workitem_url, verify=False, proxies=self.rtc_obj.proxies, headers=self.rtc_obj.headers) raw_data = xmltodict.parse(resp.content) # pre-adjust the template: # remove some attribute to avoid being overwritten, which will only be # generated when the workitem is created wk_raw_data = raw_data.get("oslc_cm:ChangeRequest") self._remove_long_fields(wk_raw_data) # Be cautious when you want to modify these fields # These fields have been tested as must-removed one remove_fields = ["@rdf:about", "dc:created", "dc:creator", "dc:identifier", "rtc_cm:contextId", "rtc_cm:comments", "rtc_cm:state", "dc:type", "rtc_cm:subscribers", "dc:modified", "rtc_cm:modifiedBy", "rtc_cm:resolved", "rtc_cm:resolvedBy", "rtc_cm:resolution", "rtc_cm:startDate", "rtc_cm:timeSpent", "rtc_cm:progressTracking", "rtc_cm:projectArea", "oslc_cm:relatedChangeManagement", "oslc_cm:trackedWorkItem", "oslc_cm:tracksWorkItem", "rtc_cm:timeSheet", "oslc_pl:schedule"] for remove_field in remove_fields: try: wk_raw_data.pop(remove_field) self.log.debug("Successfully remove field [%s] from the " "template originated from <Workitem %s>", remove_field, copied_from) except: self.log.warning("No field named [%s] in this template " "from <Workitem %s>", remove_field, copied_from) continue wk_raw_data["dc:description"] = "{{ description }}" wk_raw_data["dc:title"] = "{{ title }}" if keep: if template_file_path:"Writing the template to file %s", template_file_path) return xmltodict.unparse(raw_data, output=output, encoding=encoding, pretty=True) replace_fields = [("rtc_cm:teamArea", "{{ teamArea }}"), ("rtc_cm:ownedBy", "{{ ownedBy }}"), ("rtc_cm:plannedFor", "{{ plannedFor }}"), ("rtc_cm:foundIn", "{{ foundIn }}"), ("oslc_cm:severity", "{{ severity }}"), ("oslc_cm:priority", "{{ priority }}"), ("rtc_cm:filedAgainst", "{{ filedAgainst }}")] for field in replace_fields: try: wk_raw_data[field[0]]["@rdf:resource"] = field[1] self.log.debug("Successfully replace field [%s] with [%s]", field[0], field[1]) except: self.log.warning("Cannot replace field [%s]", field[0]) continue if template_file_path:"Writing the template to file %s", template_file_path) return xmltodict.unparse(raw_data, output=output, encoding=encoding, pretty=True)
def _remove_long_fields(self, wk_raw_data): """Remove long fields: These fields are can only customized after the workitems are created """ match_str_list = ["", "calm:"] for key in wk_raw_data.keys(): for match_str in match_str_list: if key.startswith(match_str): try: wk_raw_data.pop(key) self.log.debug("Successfully remove field [%s] from " "the template", key) except: self.log.warning("Cannot remove field [%s] from the " "template", key) continue
[docs] def getTemplates(self, workitems, template_folder=None, template_names=None, keep=False, encoding="UTF-8"): """Get templates from a group of to-be-copied :class:`Workitems` and write them to files named after the names in `template_names` respectively. :param workitems: a :class:`list`/:class:`tuple`/:class:`set` contains the ids (integer or equivalent string) of some to-be-copied :class:`Workitems` :param template_names: a :class:`list`/:class:`tuple`/:class:`set` contains the template file names for copied :class:`Workitems`. If `None`, the new template files will be named after the :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id with "`.template`" as a postfix :param template_folder: refer to :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` :param keep: (default is False) refer to :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` :param encoding: (default is "UTF-8") refer to :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` """ if (not workitems or isinstance(workitems, six.string_types) or isinstance(workitems, int) or isinstance(workitems, float) or not hasattr(workitems, "__iter__")): error_msg = "Input parameter 'workitems' is not iterable" self.log.error(error_msg) raise exception.BadValue(error_msg) if template_names is not None: if not hasattr(template_names, "__iter__"): error_msg = "Input parameter 'template_names' is not iterable" self.log.error(error_msg) raise exception.BadValue(error_msg) if len(workitems) != len(template_names): error_msg = "".join(["Input parameters 'workitems' and ", "'template_names' have different length"]) self.log.error(error_msg) raise exception.BadValue(error_msg) for index, wk_id in enumerate(workitems): try: if template_names is not None: template_name = template_names[index] else: template_name = ".".join([wk_id, "template"]) self.getTemplate(wk_id, template_name=template_name, template_folder=template_folder, keep=keep, encoding=encoding) except Exception as excp: self.log.error("Exception occurred when fetching" "template from <Workitem %s>: %s", str(wk_id), excp) continue"Successfully fetch all the templates from " "workitems: %s", workitems)