Quick Start

Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction in how to get started with rtcclient.

First, make sure that:

  • rtcclient is installed

  • rtcclient is up-to-date

RTCClient is intended to map the objects in RTC (e.g. Project Areas, Team Areas, Workitems) into easily managed Python objects

Let’s get started with some simple examples.

Setup Logging

You can choose to enable logging during the using of rtcclient. Default logging is for console output. You can also add your own logging.conf to store all the logs to your specified files.

>>> from rtcclient.utils import setup_basic_logging
# you can remove this if you don't need logging
>>> setup_basic_logging()

Add a Connection to the RTC Server

Adding a connection with RTC Server is very simple.

Begin by importing the RTCClient module:

>>> from rtcclient import RTCClient

Now, let’s input the url, username and password of this to-be-connected RTC Server. For this example,

>>> url = "https://your_domain:9443/jazz"
>>> username = "your_username"
>>> password = "your_password"
>>> myclient = RTCClient(url, username, password, ends_with_jazz=True, old_rtc_authentication=False)

If your url ends with ccm, set ends_with_jazz to False, refer to issue #68 for detailed explanation.

If your rtc server is behind a proxy, remember to set “proxies” explicitly.

If your rtc server is too old (such as Rational Team Concert 5.0.1, 5.0.2), please set old_rtc_authentication to True.

About Proxies

If your RTC Server is behind a proxy, you need to set proxies explicitly.

HTTP Proxies

>>> url = "https://your_domain:9443/jazz"
>>> username = "your_username"
>>> password = "your_password"
# example http proxy
>>> proxies = {
        'http': '',
        'https': '',
>>> myclient = RTCClient(url, username, password, proxies=proxies)

SOCKS Proxies

In addition to basic HTTP proxies, proxies using the SOCKS protocol are also supported.

>>> url = "https://your_domain:9443/jazz"
>>> username = "your_username"
>>> password = "your_password"
 # example socks proxy
>>> proxies = {
        "http": "socks5://",
        "https": "socks5://user:pass@host:port"
>>> myclient = RTCClient(url, username, password, proxies=proxies)

Get a Workitem

You can get a workitem by calling rtcclient.workitem.Workitem.getWorkitem. The attributes of a workitem can be accessed through dot notation and dictionary.

Some common attributes are listed in Built-in Attributes.

For example,

>>> wk = myclient.getWorkitem(123456)
# get a workitem whose id is 123456
# this also works: getting the workitem using the equivalent string
>>> wk2 = myclient.getWorkitem("123456")
# wk equals wk2
>>> wk == wk2
>>> wk
<Workitem 123456>
>>> str(wk)
>>> wk.identifier
# access the attributes through dictionary
>>> wk["title"]
u'title demo'
# access the attributes through dot notation
>>> wk.title
u'title demo'
>>> wk.state
>>> wk.description
u'demo description'
>>> wk.creator
>>> wk.created
>>> wk.comments
[u'comment test 0', u'add comment test 1', u'add comment test 2']

About Returned Properties

You can also customize your preferred properties to be returned by specifying returned_properties when the called methods have this optional parameter, which can also GREATLY IMPROVE the performance of this client especially when getting or querying lots of workitems.

For the meanings of these attributes, please refer to Built-in Attributes.

Important Note: returned_properties is an advanced parameter, the returned properties can be found in instance_obj.field_alias.values(), e.g. myworkitem1.field_alias.values(). If you don’t care the performance, just leave it alone with None.

>>> import pprint
# print the field alias
>>> pprint.pprint(wk2.field_alias, width=1)
{u'affectedByDefect': u'calm:affectedByDefect',
 u'affectsExecutionResult': u'calm:affectsExecutionResult',
 u'affectsPlanItem': u'calm:affectsPlanItem',
 u'apply_step': u'rtc_cm:apply_step',
 u'archived': u'rtc_cm:archived',
 u'blocksTestExecutionRecord': u'calm:blocksTestExecutionRecord',
 u'comments': u'rtc_cm:comments',
 u'contextId': u'rtc_cm:contextId',
 u'correctedEstimate': u'rtc_cm:correctedEstimate',
 u'created': u'dc:created',
 u'creator': u'dc:creator',
 u'description': u'dc:description',
 u'due': u'rtc_cm:due',
 u'elaboratedByArchitectureElement': u'calm:elaboratedByArchitectureElement',
 u'estimate': u'rtc_cm:estimate',
 u'filedAgainst': u'rtc_cm:filedAgainst',
 u'foundIn': u'rtc_cm:foundIn',
 u'identifier': u'dc:identifier',
 u'implementsRequirement': u'calm:implementsRequirement',
 u'modified': u'dc:modified',
 u'modifiedBy': u'rtc_cm:modifiedBy',
 u'ownedBy': u'rtc_cm:ownedBy',
 u'plannedFor': u'rtc_cm:plannedFor',
 u'priority': u'oslc_cm:priority',
 u'progressTracking': u'rtc_cm:progressTracking',
 u'projectArea': u'rtc_cm:projectArea',
 u'relatedChangeManagement': u'oslc_cm:relatedChangeManagement',
 u'relatedExecutionRecord': u'calm:relatedExecutionRecord',
 u'relatedRequirement': u'calm:relatedRequirement',
 u'relatedTestCase': u'calm:relatedTestCase',
 u'relatedTestPlan': u'calm:relatedTestPlan',
 u'relatedTestScript': u'calm:relatedTestScript',
 u'relatedTestSuite': u'calm:relatedTestSuite',
 u'resolution': u'rtc_cm:resolution',
 u'resolved': u'rtc_cm:resolved',
 u'resolvedBy': u'rtc_cm:resolvedBy',
 u'schedule': u'oslc_pl:schedule',
 u'severity': u'oslc_cm:severity',
 u'startDate': u'rtc_cm:startDate',
 u'state': u'rtc_cm:state',
 u'subject': u'dc:subject',
 u'subscribers': u'rtc_cm:subscribers',
 u'teamArea': u'rtc_cm:teamArea',
 u'testedByTestCase': u'calm:testedByTestCase',
 u'timeSheet': u'rtc_cm:timeSheet',
 u'timeSpent': u'rtc_cm:timeSpent',
 u'title': u'dc:title',
 u'trackedWorkItem': u'oslc_cm:trackedWorkItem',
 u'tracksChanges': u'calm:tracksChanges',
 u'tracksRequirement': u'calm:tracksRequirement',
 u'tracksWorkItem': u'oslc_cm:tracksWorkItem',
 u'type': u'dc:type'}

Note: these field aliases may differ due to the type of workitems. But most of the common-used attributes will stay unchanged.

The returned_properties is a string composed by the above values with comma separated.

It will run faster if returned_properties is specified. Because the client will only get/request the attributes you specified.

>>> returned_properties = "dc:title,dc:identifier,rtc_cm:state,rtc_cm:ownedBy"
# specify the returned properties: title, identifier, state, owner
# This is optional. All properties will be returned if not specified
>>> wk_rp = myclient.getWorkitem(123456,
>>> wk_rp.identifier
# access the attributes through dictionary
>>> wk_rp["title"]
# access the attributes through dot notation
u'title demo'
>>> wk_rp.title
u'title demo'
>>> wk_rp.state
>>> wk_rp.ownedBy

Add a Comment to a Workitem

After getting the rtcclient.workitem.Workitem object, you can add a comment to this workitem by calling addComment.

>>> mycomment = wk.addComment("add comment test 3")
>>> mycomment
<Comment 3>
>>> mycomment.created
>>> mycomment.creator
>>> mycomment.description
u'add comment test 3'
>>> str(mycomment)

Get all Workitems

All workitems can be fetched by calling rtcclient.client.RTCClient.getWorkitems. It will take a long time to fetch all the workitems in some certain project areas if there are already many existing workitems.

If both projectarea_id and projectarea_name are None, all the workitems in all project areas will be returned.

>>> workitems_list = myclient.getWorkitems(projectarea_id=None,
# get all workitems in a specific project area
>>> projectarea_name = "my_projectarea_name"
>>> workitems_list2 = myclient.getWorkitems(projectarea_name=projectarea_name,

Query Workitems

After customizing your query string, all the workitems meet the conditions will be fetched.

>>> myquery = myclient.query # query class
>>> projectarea_name = "my_projectarea_name"
# customize your query string
# below query string means: query all the workitems with title "use case 1"
>>> myquerystr = 'dc:title="use case 1"'
>>> returned_prop = "dc:title,dc:identifier,rtc_cm:state,rtc_cm:ownedBy"
>>> queried_wis = myquery.queryWorkitems(myquerystr,

More detailed and advanced syntax on querying, please refer to query syntax.

Query Workitems by Saved Query

You may have created several customized queries through RTC Web GUI or got some saved queries created by other team members. Using these saved queries

>>> myquery = myclient.query # query class
>>> saved_query_url = 'http://test.url:9443/jazz/xxxxxxxx&id=xxxxx'
>>> projectarea_name = "my_projectarea_name"
# get all saved queries
# WARNING: now the RTC server cannot correctly list all the saved queries
#          It seems to be a bug of RTC. Recommend using `runSavedQueryByUrl` to
#          query all the workitems if the query is saved.
>>> allsavedqueries = myquery.getAllSavedQueries(projectarea_name=projectarea_name)
# saved queries created by tester1@email.com
>>> allsavedqueries = myquery.getAllSavedQueries(projectarea_name=projectarea_name,
# my saved queries
>>> mysavedqueries = myquery.getMySavedQueries(projectarea_name=projectarea_name)
>>> mysavedquery = mysavedqueries[0]
>>> returned_prop = "dc:title,dc:identifier,rtc_cm:state,rtc_cm:ownedBy"
>>> queried_wis = myquery.runSavedQuery(mysavedquery,

Query Workitems by Saved Query Url

You can also query all the workitems directly using your saved query’s url.

>>> myquery = myclient.query # query class
>>> saved_query_url = 'http://test.url:9443/jazz/xxxxxxxx&id=xxxxx'
>>> returned_prop = "dc:title,dc:identifier,rtc_cm:state,rtc_cm:ownedBy"
>>> queried_wis = myquery.runSavedQueryByUrl(saved_query_url,