Source code for rtcclient.template

import logging
import os
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

import jinja2
import jinja2.meta
import six
import xmltodict

from rtcclient import exception
from rtcclient.base import RTCBase
from rtcclient.utils import remove_empty_elements

[docs] class Templater(RTCBase): """A wrapped class used to generate and render templates from some copied workitems :param rtc_obj: a reference to the :class:`rtcclient.client.RTCClient` object :param searchpath: the folder to store your templates. If `None`, the default search path (/your/site-packages/rtcclient/templates) will be loaded automatically. """ log = logging.getLogger("template.Templater") def __init__(self, rtc_obj, searchpath=None): self.rtc_obj = rtc_obj RTCBase.__init__(self, self.rtc_obj.url) if searchpath is None: self.searchpath = os.path.join( os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'templates') else: self.searchpath = searchpath self.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=self.searchpath) self.environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.loader, trim_blocks=True) def __str__(self): return "Templater for %s" % self.rtc_obj def get_rtc_obj(self): return self.rtc_obj
[docs] def render(self, template, **kwargs): """Renders the template :param template: The template to render. The template is actually a file, which is usually generated by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` and can also be modified by user accordingly. :param kwargs: The `kwargs` dict is used to fill the template. These two parameter are mandatory: * description * title Some of below parameters (which may not be included in some customized workitem type ) are mandatory if `keep` (parameter in :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate`) is set to `False`; Optional for otherwise. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) Actually all these needed keywords/attributes/fields can be retrieved by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.listFields` :return: the :class:`string` object :rtype: string """ if kwargs.get("title", None) is not None: kwargs["title"] = escape(kwargs["title"]) if kwargs.get("description", None) is not None: kwargs["description"] = escape(kwargs["description"]) try: temp = self.environment.get_template(template) return temp.render(**kwargs) except AttributeError: err_msg = "Invalid value for 'template'" self.log.error(err_msg) raise exception.BadValue(err_msg)
[docs] def renderFromWorkitem(self, copied_from, keep=False, encoding="UTF-8", **kwargs): """Render the template directly from some to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` without saving to a file :param copied_from: the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id :param keep (default is False): If `True`, some of the below fields will remain unchangeable with the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem`. Otherwise for `False`. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) :param encoding (default is "UTF-8"): coding format :param kwargs: The `kwargs` dict is used to fill the template. These two parameter are mandatory: * description * title Some of below parameters (which may not be included in some customized workitem type ) are mandatory if `keep` is set to `False`; Optional for otherwise. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) Actually all these needed keywords/attributes/fields can be retrieved by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.listFieldsFromWorkitem` :return: the :class:`string` object :rtype: string """ temp = jinja2.Template( self.getTemplate(copied_from, template_name=None, template_folder=None, keep=keep, encoding=encoding)) rendered_data = temp.render(**kwargs) return remove_empty_elements(rendered_data)
[docs] def listFields(self, template): """List all the attributes to be rendered from the template file :param template: The template to render. The template is actually a file, which is usually generated by :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` and can also be modified by user accordingly. :return: a :class:`set` contains all the needed attributes :rtype: set """ try: temp_source = self.environment.loader.get_source( self.environment, template) return self.listFieldsFromSource(temp_source) except AttributeError: err_msg = "Invalid value for 'template'" self.log.error(err_msg) raise exception.BadValue(err_msg)
[docs] def listFieldsFromWorkitem(self, copied_from, keep=False): """List all the attributes to be rendered directly from some to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` :param copied_from: the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id :param keep: (default is False) If `True`, some of below parameters (which will not be included in some customized :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` type ) will remain unchangeable with the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem`. Otherwise for `False`. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) :return: a :class:`set` contains all the needed attributes :rtype: set """ temp_source = self.getTemplate(copied_from, template_name=None, template_folder=None, keep=keep) return self.listFieldsFromSource(temp_source)
[docs] def listFieldsFromSource(self, template_source): """List all the attributes to be rendered directly from template source :param template_source: the template source (usually represents the template content in string format) :return: a :class:`set` contains all the needed attributes :rtype: set """ ast = self.environment.parse(template_source) return jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
[docs] def getTemplate(self, copied_from, template_name=None, template_folder=None, keep=False, encoding="UTF-8"): """Get template from some to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` The resulting XML document is returned as a :class:`string`, but if `template_name` (a string value) is specified, it is written there instead. :param copied_from: the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id (integer or equivalent string) :param template_name: the template file name :param template_folder: the folder to store template file :param keep: (default is False) If `True`, some of below parameters (which may not be included in some customized :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` type ) will remain unchangeable with the to-be-copied :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem`. Otherwise for `False`. * teamArea (Team Area) * ownedBy (Owned By) * plannedFor(Planned For) * severity(Severity) * priority(Priority) * filedAgainst(Filed Against) :param encoding: (default is "UTF-8") coding format :return: * a :class:`string` object: if `template_name` is not specified * write the template to file `template_name`: if `template_name` is specified """ try: if isinstance(copied_from, bool) or isinstance(copied_from, float): raise ValueError() if isinstance(copied_from, six.string_types): copied_from = int(copied_from) if not isinstance(copied_from, int): raise ValueError() except ValueError: err_msg = "Please input a valid workitem id you want to copy from" self.log.error(err_msg) raise exception.BadValue(err_msg)"Fetch the template from <Workitem %s> with [keep]=%s", copied_from, keep) if template_folder is None: template_folder = self.searchpath # identify whether output to a file if template_name is not None: template_file_path = os.path.join(template_folder, template_name) output = open(template_file_path, "w") else: template_file_path = None output = None workitem_url = "/".join([self.url, "oslc/workitems/%s" % copied_from]) resp = self.get(workitem_url, verify=self.rtc_obj.verify, proxies=self.rtc_obj.proxies, headers=self.rtc_obj.headers) raw_data = xmltodict.parse(resp.content) # pre-adjust the template: # remove some attribute to avoid being overwritten, which will only be # generated when the workitem is created wk_raw_data = raw_data.get("oslc_cm:ChangeRequest") self._remove_long_fields(wk_raw_data) # Be cautious when you want to modify these fields # These fields have been tested as must-removed one remove_fields = [ "@rdf:about", "dc:created", "dc:creator", "dc:identifier", "rtc_cm:contextId", "rtc_cm:comments", "rtc_cm:state", "dc:type", "rtc_cm:subscribers", "dc:modified", "rtc_cm:modifiedBy", "rtc_cm:resolved", "rtc_cm:resolvedBy", "rtc_cm:resolution", "rtc_cm:startDate", "rtc_cm:timeSpent", "rtc_cm:progressTracking", "rtc_cm:projectArea", "oslc_cm:relatedChangeManagement", "oslc_cm:trackedWorkItem", "oslc_cm:tracksWorkItem", "rtc_cm:timeSheet", "oslc_pl:schedule" ] for remove_field in remove_fields: try: wk_raw_data.pop(remove_field) self.log.debug( "Successfully remove field [%s] from the " "template originated from <Workitem %s>", remove_field, copied_from) except Exception: self.log.warning( "No field named [%s] in this template " "from <Workitem %s>", remove_field, copied_from) continue wk_raw_data["dc:description"] = "{{ description }}" wk_raw_data["dc:title"] = "{{ title }}" if keep: if template_file_path:"Writing the template to file %s", template_file_path) return xmltodict.unparse(raw_data, output=output, encoding=encoding, pretty=True) replace_fields = [("rtc_cm:teamArea", "{{ teamArea }}"), ("rtc_cm:ownedBy", "{{ ownedBy }}"), ("rtc_cm:plannedFor", "{{ plannedFor }}"), ("rtc_cm:foundIn", "{{ foundIn }}"), ("oslc_cm:severity", "{{ severity }}"), ("oslc_cm:priority", "{{ priority }}"), ("rtc_cm:filedAgainst", "{{ filedAgainst }}")] for field in replace_fields: try: if field[0] in wk_raw_data: wk_raw_data[field[0]]["@rdf:resource"] = field[1] self.log.debug("Successfully replace field [%s] with [%s]", field[0], field[1]) except Exception: self.log.warning("Cannot replace field [%s]", field[0]) continue if template_file_path:"Writing the template to file %s", template_file_path) return xmltodict.unparse(raw_data, output=output, encoding=encoding)
def _remove_long_fields(self, wk_raw_data): """Remove long fields: These fields are can only customized after the workitems are created """ match_str_list = ["", "calm:"] keys = list(wk_raw_data.keys()) for key in keys: for match_str in match_str_list: if key.startswith(match_str): try: wk_raw_data.pop(key) self.log.debug( "Successfully remove field [%s] from " "the template", key) except Exception: self.log.warning( "Cannot remove field [%s] from the " "template", key) continue
[docs] def getTemplates(self, workitems, template_folder=None, template_names=None, keep=False, encoding="UTF-8"): """Get templates from a group of to-be-copied :class:`Workitems` and write them to files named after the names in `template_names` respectively. :param workitems: a :class:`list`/:class:`tuple`/:class:`set` contains the ids (integer or equivalent string) of some to-be-copied :class:`Workitems` :param template_names: a :class:`list`/:class:`tuple`/:class:`set` contains the template file names for copied :class:`Workitems`. If `None`, the new template files will be named after the :class:`rtcclient.workitem.Workitem` id with "`.template`" as a postfix :param template_folder: refer to :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` :param keep: (default is False) refer to :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` :param encoding: (default is "UTF-8") refer to :class:`rtcclient.template.Templater.getTemplate` """ if (not workitems or isinstance(workitems, six.string_types) or isinstance(workitems, int) or isinstance(workitems, float) or not hasattr(workitems, "__iter__")): error_msg = "Input parameter 'workitems' is not iterable" self.log.error(error_msg) raise exception.BadValue(error_msg) if template_names is not None: if not hasattr(template_names, "__iter__"): error_msg = "Input parameter 'template_names' is not iterable" self.log.error(error_msg) raise exception.BadValue(error_msg) if len(workitems) != len(template_names): error_msg = "".join([ "Input parameters 'workitems' and ", "'template_names' have different length" ]) self.log.error(error_msg) raise exception.BadValue(error_msg) for index, wk_id in enumerate(workitems): try: if template_names is not None: template_name = template_names[index] else: template_name = ".".join([wk_id, "template"]) self.getTemplate(wk_id, template_name=template_name, template_folder=template_folder, keep=keep, encoding=encoding) except Exception as excp: self.log.error( "Exception occurred when fetching" "template from <Workitem %s>: %s", str(wk_id), excp) continue "Successfully fetch all the templates from " "workitems: %s", workitems)